Thursday, December 24, 2009

Scary People Out There!

I think that there is one obvious thing that criminals have in common: they are all lazy. They do not want to work for a living and are always looking for the easy way. Muggers tend to look for the weak and unprotected to attack. Burglars look for the house with no alarm system. When you are impaired by alcohol you are weak and often easy prey. Unfortunately, there are those in our world who will specifically look to find and take advantage of someone in a weakened state. Clearly, this is no secret. So why would anyone intentionally make themselves a potential target of the bad people that are out there?

Another huge part of this notion is that there are unscrupulous men who cruise bars for especially drunk women. Tragically, this is not at all uncommon and is almost condoned in a lot of ways by our society. Even worse, it is very common practice by some guys to take women out to specifically get them drunk for the purpose of taking advantage of them. Why in the world would a woman want to be seduced in that manner? Ladies, protect yourselves better and avoid the alcohol in social situations. You will make better decisions and less of a likely victim if you do.

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