Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Liquor before beer, in the clear? Beer before liquor, Never sicker?

OK. So there is this catchy phrase to help you remember whether to start drinking beer before or after you start the "hard liquor". The thing is that if you drink enough you will most likely get sick. Some claim to "never"get sick when they play the recreational alcohol game but there is always the first time for everybody I have ever known personally to drink too much. Very perplexing decision to consume something that has a very good chance of making you sick.

My thought is, of course, why bother in the first place. If and when you do get sick you will certainly regret being so foolish. Nothing sadder or more of a turn off than seeing what would normally be a very attractive person yacking their guts up behind the bar. Or even worse, IN THE BAR. I can assure you that a soft drink has never impacted me that way.

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