Thursday, December 31, 2009

Amatuer Night!!

New Years Eve! A night when the vast majority of Americans feel the irresistible need to get trashed in order to sufficiently celebrate the end of the year. The accepted, and even expected, norm in this country is that tonight is THE most appropriate night to use and abuse recreational alcohol. What will often happen is that a ton of people that do not normally drink will overdo it and end up completely wasted. The true alcoholics will look at them as amatuers and scoff.

I have never been one to imbibe and even I feel the pressure to do something "special" to commemorate the event. Of course, the problem is finding something worthy to do on such a night. The easy and unimaginative answer is to consume alcohol along with millions of others in the country. Kind of pathetic that we, as Americans, cannot come up with something more original and interesting than getting trashed to celebrate the changing of the calendar.

My challenge to everyone is to be original. Find something better to do.

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