Monday, December 14, 2009

41% of accidents are alcohol related

According to the the ads I keep seeing from the Tennessee Governor's Highway Safety Office, 41% of all automobile accidents are alcohol related. Even more frightening the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that 32 percent of all traffic deaths from 2007 occurred in crashes in which at least one driver had a BAC at or above 0.08 percent and that some alcohol was present in 37 percent of drivers involved in all traffic fatalities. Thirty-five percent of pedestrians killed in crashes also had BACs at or above 0.08 percent. Such statistics do not mean that a third or more of all fatal crashes are caused solely by alcohol, because alcohol may be only one of several factors that contribute to a crash involving drinking drivers.

Impossible to ignore the data that indicates that alcohol truly impairs your driving ability and makes it a very risky activity. Why bother to drink and drive? Why bother to drink at all?

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