Thursday, August 12, 2010

Real World New Orleans Blackout Example

Just watched an episode of the Real World - New Orleans and was reminded of another reason why I do not bother with alcohol. There is a young blond girl named McKenzie who seems to have a significant drinking problem. She gets so wasted that the other cast members, who are also drinking, are sincerely concerned for her safety. It seems that she consistently "blacks out" after she has had a few. Seriously, if you are drinking so much that you do not remember your night then what exactly is the point. Everybody seems to feel sorry for her and just rolls their eyes even when she is sober. After a few drinks they even start calling her Mary because she has a completely different personality that she apparently does not remember.

Interestingly, the episode included McKenzie meeting a guy who noticeably drinks very little. This is the part that caught my attention. She was impacted by a young man in New Orleans only for Spring Break and he is not drinking because he too has had issues with black outs. Because of his influence, McKenzie seems to have an epiphany that maybe it is OK to not drink so much. In fact, she states a very insightful reason not to drink. What she has come to realize is that the guy is very engaging and she enjoyed talking to him. This is a tremendous point. You can have a BETTER time if you are sober and spend some time talking to an interesting person than if you are sloppy drunk and forget who you might have met. Maybe the guy she stumbled upon was meant to impact her life. For that matter, maybe that encounter is meant to impact sopme viewers and/or inspire this little post.

The bottom line here is that you can and should have a good time without the need for mind altering substances. Why bother with alcohol?

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