Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Leader or a Follower?

Are you a "Leader" or a "Follower"? Do have a deep-seeded need to fit in with everybody else or are you really your own person? To be a leader, you have to be willing to be the one in front of the crowd. You must be able to make independent decisions about what you do and how you do it. In America today, the sheep are all drinking alcohol and one has to be a true leader to buck that trend. Why would you just follow the crowd anyway? Following the crowd and being a mindless clone is BORING!! There is no reason to let other people tell you how you should enjoy yourself. If you are in a setting where everybody else is drinking alcohol, you do not have to go along with them. Because this is America, you really do have the freedom to enjoy a a safe and sober night if you choose.

Being an individual and making your own decisions is freeing and empowering. It does sometimes take strength and even character to be the only sober person in a bar or some other traditionally alcohol immersed setting. Even with that natural pressure to follow the crowd, hanging out with friends and meeting new people is fun. In fact, that is exactly what makes it fun to go out or to private parties. The coolest people are doing their own thing because they want to live their own lives. If you have made the decision to ignore the marketing ploys that have made a lot of the American people believe that alcohol is required to have fun, then boldly and proudly enjoy your sober life. Choose to be a "Leader" and seriously consider whether drinking alcohol for entertainment really makes sense.

Alcohol Free America was started to present the notion that recreational alcohol is not the only way to have a good time. Even as CNN reports that more Americans are drinking alcohol (linked below), we encourage people to be true leaders and set the tone for their own lives. If you are strong enough to make your decisions then WHY BOTHER WITH ALCOHOL?

Feel free to share this anybody you know that is bold enough to take a stand against the norm in America today.
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