Saturday, June 19, 2010


Not an exhaustive list by any means but some very good reasons not to drink recreational alcohol:


1. Alcohol is a drug - The chemicals in alcohol impact your brain in exactly the same way that other drugs do.

2. Alcohol does not taste good - Even the fruity drinks that do taste good are just as good without the alcohol.

3. Alcohol known to be addictive - AA is such a large organization because people get addicted and cannot quit without assistance.

4. Alcohol kills brain cells - You can function without a few of the brain cells but there is a cumulative impact to long term drinking.

5. Alcohol destroys your liver - You cannot live without a liver and alcoholics are usually not eligible for a transplant.

6. Makes you do stupid things - Ever heard of Beer Goggles?

7. Lose control of car, gun, boat, etc... - Drunk drivers kill people every single day who were minding their own business.

8 Drunks are not attractive - Loud obnoxious drunks are not as magnetic as they think. Most people see them as a clown.

9. Vomit is not sexy - Drinking a lot will make you sick and who wants to kiss someone who just vomited.

10. Hangovers not worth it - Flu like symptoms that can be avoided probably should be avoided.

11. Alcohol poisoning CAN kill you - Every year there is another case of some college student who actually dies from alcohol poisoning.

12. Drunk people are an easy target - Women in a bar or anybody on the street should be frightened by the idea that predators prey on the weak,

13. Expensive habit - A meal at a nice restaurant for 2 people goes from $100 to $350 very quickly once you add wine or other drinks to the bill.

14. Want to remember a good time good time? - Blacking out is not conducive to remembering the good times.

15. Lots of ways it can get you arrested - DUI is obvious but public urination or some other foolish move can also cross the lines of legality.

16. Pathetic excuse for entertainment - Surely you can think of another way to entertain yourself.

17. Makes you smell like a brewery - Why would anybody be attracted to a bum?

18. Depressed alcoholics drink at home alone - Hardly the party alcohol is advertised to be.

19. Changes many people's personality - Often someone who is perfectly nice and/or pleasant becomes a babbling idiot on alcohol.

20. Want to be like everyone else, really? - Why not be a leader rather than an unthinking sheep.

21. Many religions directly oppose the abuse of alcohol. - Yes, they drank wine in biblical times but the abuse of alcohol is prohibited by many religions.

22. Not a good excuse for poor decisions - Alcohol often seems to give people an excuse to do things they know they should not do.

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