Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What makes social gatherings fun is the people, NOT the alcohol.

Have you ever been the only person at a gathering or event that was not drinking? This happens to me quite often and I can honestly tell you that it does not impair my ability to enjoy myself one iota. Last week I spent a lot of time with buddies who enjoyed recreational alcohol and the nights were very entertaining. Drunk people are just funny most of the time. When I was telling another friend about my week it occurred to me that I did indeed have a really good time. He asked me if it was ever annoying to be around people drinking and I had to admit that I have never had a problem with it. Other than the occasional babysitting duties for somebody out of control, being around people drinking is not at all uncomfortable for me. The truth is that people are fun to be around if you generally like them to begin with. I enjoy the company of most people. What they are doing as we chat does not impact me very often. Of course, I think I have the upper hand in any debate and will remember the night's events better than my friend who was too drunk to figure out the tip on his bill. I write this little note to point out very directly that I hold no ill will towards drinkers but I am confident that my path of no alcohol is just as fulfilling and fun as anything they ever do. What makes bars and gatherings fun is not the alcohol but the people.

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