Friday, April 9, 2010

Alcohol Increases Partner Violence

A study about violence within intimate relationships, published in January 2010, has been referenced in a few different articles lately. I actually heard about it on the radio when Dr Dean Edell referenced it. They studied 436 US couples and found a direct relationship between alcohol usage and violent behavior that actually went both ways. The surprising finding was that female on male violence doubled when the women drank. Not so surprising was that the male on female violence tripled when alcohol was involved. The study, which appears online and in the April issue of the journal Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, was co-authored by Dr. Raul Caetano is jarring because of the data about the women involved. However, it should not surprise anybody that alcohol changes your personality. Just another reason to make a conscious decision to avoid recreational alcohol.

Why bother with alcohol?!?

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