Saturday, March 20, 2010

Get an iced tea to save a lot of money when you go out.

For those of us who enjoy a good steak, there are a number of high end restaurants where we can get a prefect filet. The problem is that these high end places tend to be a bit pricey if you are on a tight budget. While they are relatively expensive compared to a fast food joint, it never really made sense to me that some people really went on and on about the price. I finally figured out the real pain point a few years ago. High end establishments really jack up the prices of mixed drinks and tend to maintain an extensive wine inventory with some really high end options. None of this had ever occurred to me since alcohol was not on my agenda anyway. What I noticed is that some people will quickly double, triple or otherwise increase the bill tenfold by adding a few drinks or bottles of wine to the mix. If you just get the iced tea then refills are free and you bill is usually reasonable given the location.

Along those same lines, if you go out for a “night on the town” and avoid the crazy prices of alcohol, you can really save a lot of money. A soft drink tends to be much less expensive in a bar/night club than any alcoholic beverage. As a matter of fact, a lot of places tend to just give away soft drinks for free since they want to encourage designated drivers.

So if you are in a situation where you need to save money you should avoid the alcoholic beverages. You can still have a great time with friends and atmosphere without throwing away more money than you should.

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