Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Alcohol Poisoning Can Kill You!!

This seems pretty obvious but needs to be stated more often, alcohol can actually kill you. According to numerous studies and resources, it is possible to consume so much alcohol that your breathing can stop, your heart can stop or you can choke on your own vomit. Nice visual huh? According to the National Institute on Alchohol Abuse and Alcoholism, once you get past two drinks you begin encroaching into the immediate danger zone. Of course, many people have a greater tolerance than others but every drop after the first two drinks gets you closer to the shutdown of cognitive functions and major organ shutdown. It actually makes sense given the sedative nature of alcohol and how your body responds to sedatives. You can overdose on alcohol just like you can with any other such drug. Given that fact and the fact that your reasoning becomes less reliable the more you drink, why would anybodybother with such a dangerous activity as recreational drinking?

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