Thursday, February 18, 2010

I would like to remember if I had a good time.

Another thing that baffles me about people that use alcohol as a form of recreation is the phenomena of the “black out”. You hear a lot of people that have had too much to drink asking other people what they did the night before. Seriously? You were in such a stupor that you have no idea what happened to you? Something like that seems beyond foolish to me. It just makes no sense to engage in an activity that can wipe out a block of your life from your brain. If something really good happens, although unlikely if you are stinking drunk, would you not want to remember? What if you meet the man/woman of your dreams? Aside from the fact that they are less likely to be impressed with a drunken idiot, it might be a good thing if you could remember their face. Seems like you would also probably want to remember the ball game you attended, the friends you met or the great time you had with some buddies on the golf course.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another Tragic End from Teenage Drinking

The point of Alcohol Free America is that there is really no good reason to drink. In fact, there are numerous reasons to avoid recreational alcohol. Tragically, one of the biggest reasons to stay away from drinking is the inherent dangers that are directly associated with the activity. This story (Mom Sues Teens in Binge Drinking Case) published by CBS News online, highlights one mother's fight to get the word out by filing civil lawsuits against the kids that were with her deceased daughter the night she was out binge drinking. The mother has a unique perspective, obviously, but it does not seem that she is suing them to get any actual money. I think the idea is to point out their accountability in the events that led to her daughter's death and be a message to others to watch out for each other if they are foolish enough to waste their time drinking alcohol. Not sure I approve of her lawsuit but I definitely think that the publicity that it is getting the death of her daughter could have some impact on a few other teens in the same situation. Maybe they will call somebody of their friend it too drunk to speak as one parent relates in the story. My hope would be that they would avoid the alcohol altogether.