Monday, November 23, 2009

Students Against Destructive Decisions!!

Looking around for something to post and ran across SADD ( I am pretty sure I had heard of them previously but their mission is very solid. They started as a group against drunk driving, like MADD. Now they have expanded to cover any and all destructive behavior from a peer support perspective.

This appears to be an organization worth supporting.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Alcohol kills brain cells!! .... not really.

Well, the impact of too much alcohol, or other drugs, it is often described as killing brain cells even though research tends to disagree. The truth is that alcohol interrupts the communications between the brain cells while one is under the influence. Most of the time the connectivity is restored over time but there can be a longer lasting impact. When the communication is restored, it does not always connect things exactly as they were originally. Also, research has shown that it can take weeks for the impact of binge drinking to be completely overcome. Reaction times of someone that was intoxicated will be slowed weeks later.

Monday, November 9, 2009

MADD launches The Power of Parents, It's Your Influence

From their Twitter Page:

MADD launches The Power of Parents, It's Your Influence

The premise is that parents need to be prepared about how they will talk to their children about alcohol use. Of course, our theory is "Why bother with alcohol?".


A GfK Roper Youth Report showed 74% of kids (age 8-17) said their parents are the leading influence on their decisions about drinking. Data also shows that a zero tolerance message from parents to teens is the most effective in deterring underage drinking and it also supports the lifesaving 21 drinking age law, which is in all 50 states. (View the multimedia news release)

The point here is TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN because they stand a really good chance of listening to you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Research Shows Alcohol Increases Spread of Cancer

Wow. This is profound if it ends up being confirmed by other studies. According to a study by the Rush University Medical Center, when they applied Alcohol to colon and breast cancer cells, the cells became more aggressive in spreading.

I read the initial summary on and had to share this one. If you know somebody that has or is at a high risk or having cancer, you should let them know about this study and discourage any and all alcohol use for them.

The actual study appeared in the October 2009 issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.