Friday, November 8, 2013

Be Funny on Purpose Instead of a Joke

Anybody else enjoy making fun of the drunk goofball making a spectacle of himself? I spent a lot of time in college shaking my head and laughing out loud at some of my peers in school who were just out of control. Don't get me wrong, they were really really funny. Unfortunately, they had no idea and often zero ability to control it. The truly sad part to me was always that most of these same people were incredibly entertaining all the time. They were quite often the engaging personalities with a quick wit who everybody wanted to be around as a general rule. Others were the socially inept types who were only funny when they were the object of ridicule because they could not "handle their alcohol".

You want to be the coolest person in the room at a party or bar? Then be the rare beacon of light who is stable and present in the moment. If you deliberately maintain your faculties and can carry on a conversation you are well ahead of the joke in the corner slurring every word. Be social and engaging because you have the ability to enjoy the company of your friends. Be funny on purpose instead of a likely YouTube spectacle. You will meet new and interesting people in this state and you stand a MUCH better chance of remembering it.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beer makes you fat!!!

Alcohol does terrible things to your mind, personality and body. The Yahoo article below references a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study about the impacts of beer on your diet. Does it really come as a surprise to anybody that alcohol has "empty" calories contributing to obesity? The "beer gut" is called that for pretty clear reason. You tend to see it in people who overindulge in beer. Duh! another strike against recreational alcohol.

Quoting the article:

The study found:
  • On any given day, about one-third of men and one-fifth of women consumed calories from beer, wine or liquor.
  • Averaged out to all adults, the average guy drinks 150 calories from alcohol each day, or the equivalent of a can of Budweiser.
  • The average woman drinks about 50 calories, or roughly half a glass of wine.
  • Men drink mostly beer. For women, there was no clear favorite among alcoholic beverages.
  • There was no racial or ethnic difference in average calories consumed from alcoholic beverages. But there was an age difference, with younger adults putting more of it away.

Of course, the gist of the story and the message from the researcher quoted was that the government need to enact some sort of regulation like NY is doing with sugary drinks. I say that is completely unnecessary but you will not find me tossing down beers for lots of reason. If you are trying to stay in shape and watch your weight, why in the world would you want to bother with alcohol?

Yahoo news - booze calories nearly equal sodas

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tis the Season to be Cautious

This is the time of year when rational people tend to lose any resemblance of rational thought and decide that the only way to have fun is with a mind altering liquid. The numbers of alcohol related deaths are staggering even when you are sober as a judge. All you need to read is one line form this blog post:

"According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), last year 10,228 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, including 415 in the second half of December alone."

Over 10,000, that right, 10,000+ people died in auto accidents attributed to alcohol-impaired driving in 2010. Seriously, why would you bother with alcohol when the fun of the holiday season is seeing friends and family. Alcohol is dangerous on many levels, is expensive, does not taste good and is a mind altering drug. Enjoy the holidays in a safe and healthy way.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Warn kids about drug dangers as early as fifth grade | Detroit Free Press |

Warn kids about drug dangers as early as fifth grade Detroit Free Press

The article linked is a stark warning to parents everywhere that makes perfect sense. You should certainly want to be the first source of information for your children when they are facing decisions about things like mind/mood/personality altering substances. Whether you believe in total abstinence like I do or not, you surely would have to agree that you want to help your children make such decisions. If you delay having such a conversation too long you clearly leave the door open for the decision to be made by risk loving peers who could pressure your children into abusing alcohol.

My advice to my kids will be "Why bother with alcohol?".

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Step up and be a real parent!!

I saw a You Tube video the other day with a message that underage drinking is an adult problem (SAMHSA YouTube Video). There was a statement in this video that 1 in 5 children had their first taste of alcohol before they were 13 years old. The message from SAMHSA is that early alcohol use is harmful to a child's development which is certainly a widely held belief among physicians and researchers. With nearly 50 percent of children who try alcohol before the age 13 getting it from their adult relatives, this is a clearly major problem in America today. That is a very important message but not what caught my eye.

What came to my mind was that alcohol is clearly an acquired taste. Seriously, alcohol generally tastes gross. For someone to get to the point of abusing alcohol, they have to first get beyond the foul flavor of the drink, especially the after taste. Therefore, my concern with children get alcohol at an early age, even a sip, is that the process of "acquiring the taste" begins with that very first sip. Nobody that I know truly likes the taste of alcohol the first time they try it any more than the first time somebody smokes a cigarette that hey find it enjoyable. What actually happens is that the person pushes through the taste or discomfort for other reasons. Typically, these reasons tend to be to impress or be like others.  For the child getting alcohol from a parent or other older relative, the motive is probably the desire to be like the person they admire like mom and dad. Since their hero likes it they keep trying it until they do too, sort of.

Here is my advice ... If you are having a party and your children are present, it would behoove your child for there to be no alcohol present. If that is too much to ask of you, at least refrain from allowing your child to "try a sip" of an adult beverage. It is also imperative that you monitor any alcohol in your house to ensure children are not trying to imitate you while your back is turned. Better yet, just do not keep alcohol in your house to keep it out of the hands of developing minds.

You owe it to your child to help them grow up to be healthy adults that can make their own decisions. Step up and be a real parent by making responsible decisions along the way.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Choose Your Friends Wisely

The old adage to choose your friends wisely has another mark in it's favor with a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that is quotes in the iVillage Health Article about the impact of heavy drinking friends on one's alcohol consumption. Of course, the premise seems obvious enough. If you hang out with heavy drinkers you are also more likely to drink heavily. Turns out there are some interesting findings that are not so obvious. For one thing, heavy female drinkers influence others to drink more than male heavy drinkers. In fact, heavy female drinkings seem to have a huge impact on the males specifically. Another interesting point from the article is that non-drinkers have less influence on their drinking friends. This probably makes sense because the culture in America today sees drinking as a requirement for having fun and who would not want to have fun?

Now, here is my take on the situation. Be a leader instead of a follower. This study was very important because it highlights how powerful the lure of alcohol can be for some people. For those of us who think it makes more sense to omit alcohol from our plans, even this study shows that we have some influence over our friends actions. By being with friends and being sober makes us an example of somebody that can have fun without the alcohol. Many, many times I have heard people tell me they will follow my lead the next time because of how bad they felt after a binge session. I almost never criticize them for silly behavior with alcohol although they my face may very well give it away. All I ever do is laugh at them when they tell me the crazy story. Usually, that is enough for them to realize how stupid they were for drinking too much.
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

You do have the freedom to say "No Thanks" to an alcoholic drink.

I was just reading one of my favorite bloggers who references a book by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison called Disease to Please. You can get to the link and read the Alcohol Free Social Life blog entry here. The blogger is making the point that a lot of people feel obligated to drink recreational alcohol based on their internal need/desire to please other people. For example, a number of people will tell you that they drink only "socially". In other words, when they are out with other people who are drinking alcohol, they feel the inclination to imbibe themselves. According to the theory of the book, as I understand it, this need is essentially a psychological "disorder" that compels some people to do things they do not necessarily want to do in order to please others. "Disorder" may be a strong word but I cannot disagree with that assessment. In most instances there is not the threat of bodily harm if you decide not to drink. Most of the time, the "Disease to Please" is some perceived possibility that you could/would somehow anger or disappoint someone else. Of course, the truth is that almost nobody else will care whether or not you drink alcohol. In fact, just saying "no" to an alcoholic drink often sparks some interesting conversations.

The reality is that some people feel obligated to do things that they may not really want to do just because everybody else is doing it. The culture in a America is such that a large portion of the population is convinced that drinking recreational alcohol is a legitimate way to pass the time. You should make up your own mind and not feel compelled to follow the crowd. Make your own decision and remember that you do indeed have the freedom in this country to say "no thanks". Most people will probably respect you more for it.